Readyset Cloud
VPC Peering

VPC Peering

If your application is behind a VPC without public IP access, you will need to configure VPC peering. You need to configure these steps:

  1. Accept Readyset Cloud VPC peering request
  2. Configure your Route table
  3. Configure your Security group.

Accept Readyset VPC Peering Request

Go to VPC > Peering connections. You should see one peering connection as Pending. Select the pending peering connection and click Actions > Accept request:

VPC Peering Pending Request

A new pop-up window appears, showing all the details. Take a note of the Requester CIDRs and Peering connection ID click Accept request:

VPC Peering Accept Request

Configure Route Table

We will need to add the Requester CIDRs block to all routing tables assigned to your VPC. Navigate to the Routing tables ( VPC > Route tables ) and filter all routing tables for your VPC:

VPC Peering Filter VPC

Enter each one of your routing tables by clicking the routing table ID:

VPC Peering Route Table Select

In the Route Table detailed view, select Edit routes:

VPC Peering Edit Route

Add the VPC Peering CIDRs block noted before in the Destination field, set the target to Peering Connection, select the respective peering connection ID noted when accepting VPC peering request and click Save changes:

VPC Peering Save Route

Repeat this process for all routing tables on this VPC.

Configure Security Group

Your security group needs to be configured to allow:

  1. Your database to inbound traffic from Readyset CIDR block on your PostgreSQL port (Default 5432):

Go to RDS > Databases and select the the writer instance of your RDS cluster. In the Connectivity & Security tab and click on your security group (You might have more than one security group. Any security group you select is ok):

VPC Peering Security Group Inbound Select

Click in the Security group ID to enter your Security Group:

VPC Peering Security Group Inbound Enter

Select Inbound rules tab and click Edit inbound rules

VPC Peering Security Group Inbound Edit

Click Add rule button. In Type field select PostgreSQL, in Source field select Custom, add the VPC Peering Requester CIDR block and click Save rules.

VPC Peering Security Group Inbound Save

Now Readyset cloud has all the necessary configuration to communicate with your RDS instance.

  1. Your application to outbound traffic to Readyset CIDR block on port 5433.

Readyset uses port 5433 for application traffic. In order for your application to connect to Readyset you need to configure your app Security Group.

Navigate to your application instance (eg.: ec2) select Security tab and click on your security group (You might have more than one security group. Any security group you select is ok):

VPC Peering Security Group Outbound Save

Select Outbound rules tab and click Edit outbound rules

VPC Peering Security Group Inbound Edit

Click Add rule button. In Type field select Custom TCP, in Port range type 5433, in Source field select Custom, add the VPC Peering Requester CIDR block and click Save rules

VPC Peering Security Group Outbound Save

Now your application should be able to connect to Readyset cloud.

Note: Navigate to Readyset Cloud control panel and wait for your cache instance status to appear as Healthy.

VPC Peering Cluster Healthy